Forget the stage-show stereotypes. Hypno-therapies has helped people cut back on pain, anxiety and depression medications, resolve intestinal problems, Quit smoking & even have less stressful childbirth.
There’s no pocket watch involved. Hypnosis is simply a state of concentration and focused attention — focused on a mental image. It’s a skill that must be learned from a trained therapist. With practice, hypnotizing yourself comes easily. Self-hypnosis is the path to training both mind and body to make a desired change.
“For example, someone who is very depressed may realize on one level that life is not hopeless and pointless. But if he focuses on a thought contrary to that, the idea becomes deeply embedded in his subconscious.“
Here’s what happens:
Guided by a therapist’s, you slip deeper and deeper into a very relaxed, very focused state — into your sub-conscious. That’s when a suggestion, a thought that will help you solve a problem, is introduced by the therapist. When the mind is intensely focused, these so-called post-hypnotic suggestions have a powerful impact.
Don’t worry, you won’t lose consciousness. You won’t do anything against your will. Afterward, you are very much aware of what happened while you were “under.” You will recognize and remember the post-hypnotic suggestions.